Our Programs

Jusour delivers a suite of services under multiple programs targeting job seekers and employers seeking access to and participation in Qatar's Labor Market.

Through its various programs, Jusour Company strives to develop and stimulate the Qatari labor market with innovation and diversity. We aim to provide benefits and opportunities for all.

“ At Jusour, we believe that today's opportunities build tomorrow."

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Family Sponsored Dependent

Family Sponsored Dependent

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Part time Student Work and Visa Extension for University Graduates

At Jusour, we recognize the importance of providing part-time work opportunities for students and other non-economically active segments of the population. That is why we are introducing the Sahem program....

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Mustaqel Visas for Entrepreneurs and Talent

Mustaqel is a state-sponsored visa program that aims to attract freelancers, highly talented individuals, and entrepreneurs from across the world to Qatar. The program facilitates the residency of these individuals...

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Re-Employment of Local Workforce

Tadweer, initiated by Jusour in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor & Ministry of Interior, is a strategic re-employment program for Qatar's private sector. The program aims to support companies...

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Tawzeef (Recruitment)

Hiring campaigns for local entities

Tawzeef (Recruitment) program aims to manage hiring campaigns for local entities through MOUs with governments, recruitment agencies, and overseas partners. Goals: To create an effective and efficient platform to meet...