Privacy Policy

Definitions and terminology

  • Competent Department: The administrative unit in charge of registering, following up and adjudicating on complaints.
  • Platform: the electronic system that allows the complainant to register and file a complaint, as well as a mechanism for inquiring and following up the stages of the complaint procedures.
  • Complaint: Any claim submitted officially that specifies the facts and the legal grounds (cause of action) that one party / parties (plaintiff / plaintiffs) filed with reasons sufficient to file a lawsuit against another party / parties (defendant /s) for the purpose of redressing for legal solutions.
  • Information: All data and content of the Service processed and made available through or linked to the Platform from files, programs, policies, forms, documents, software, databases, and what it contains in terms of data files, written text, images of documents or other photographed or written material.
  • User: The complainant who has been authenticated and successfully logged on to the Platform and has the opportunity to present and follow up on the status of the complaint.
  • Browser: A platform visitor who has not been authenticated / logged on through the platform and has access to all contents and materials on the platform.

Acknowledgment of acceptance of the Terms of Use

  • By using this platform, the user has accepted the conditions mentioned below, and the Jusour reserves the right to review the stated conditions at any time and announce any amendment or change in these terms without prior notification.
  • The user is responsible for periodically verifying any modifications and the continuing use of the platform in light of any modifications to the terms and conditions contained therein is considered as an acceptance by the user of those modified terms and conditions.
  • The user acknowledges his implicit agreement that all complaints’ follow-up process follow Jusour internal policies, which may be subject to amendments and changes according to the regulations and laws within Jusour without prior notification to the user, and that the user should review the conditions of the complaint’s application process permanently and continuously with the competent department in the Jusour.

Data Quality and Accuracy

  • The user is bound to provide all the information required for registration in a correct and proper manner according to the registration form prepared for that purpose, whether during the sign-up process or during the stages of filing a complaint. The user acknowledges that the identity and other data such as documents, records, certificates and qualifications that he attaches through the platform, whether during the registration process or during the stages of filing a complaint, are correct and valid information and that he will be responsible for any false statements or incorrect or fraudulent information sent from him.
  • If the data is confirmed to be incorrect, Jusour is entitled to take legal action in accordance with the internal policies and regulations of Jusour.
  • The user must / shall update his data on an ongoing basis, and in the event of any change that occurs to it, Jusour reserves the right, according to its discretion, to accept or reject his registration request.
  • The user must notify Jusour immediately in case of losing his account data or the username or any unauthorized use of his account
  • a user is prohibited from impersonating any person, wrongly identifying himself or using another user's account without a permission of that user
  • The user is bound by all applicable laws and regulations, including those relating to data transmission, and to verify that the subject, content, and terms of information and e-mail do not contain, without limitation, hatred, indecent, obscene, offensive, deceptive, or unlawful materials. Or violate the intellectual property rights of any party.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Data Protection

  • The information available on this platform, including the listed services, may be copyrighted, or contain confidential information that the user may automatically obtain upon filing a complaint, or this information is general not confidential and / or subject to the Terms of general Use licenses.
  • The user acknowledges Jusour commitment and responsibility for the security, confidentiality and privacy standards and policies of the information available through this platform. According to the data protection laws in the State of Qatar, including Law No. (13) of 2016 regarding protecting the privacy of personal data.
  • The user undertakes not to disclose, publish, or forward any information or data obtained through his or her use of the Service to third parties.
  • The permissible legal exception is that Jusour allows for the user to provide this information only to the competent department in Jusour in the event of a defect in the workflow process. It is also banned for the user to exploit this platform illegally or for personal interest purposes.
  • The user acknowledges that Jusour has the right to retain, process and transmit information and data related to the complaints’ filing process even after the completion of all complaints’ procedures for statistical purposes and specific questionnaires and for the verifications conducted by Jusour, recognizing that the privacy of the user's identity is maintained by Law No. (13) of 2016 concerning Protecting the privacy of personal data.

Controls measures for the content available on the Platform

  • The user undertakes not to misuse, in any way, the information and data available on the platform. If user privilege is misused, the user shall be subject to legal accountability, and Jusour shall not be responsible for the individual misuse of this information in particular and the platform in general.
  • Agreeing to the terms stipulated in this document is also deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by the user not to use the platform, email, or any information available through them for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the State of Qatar. Accordingly, it is prohibited to upload or exchange any software, files, or documents that contain harmful or damaged software or viruses or inappropriate and incorrect information.
  • Jusour shall not be responsible for any damages arising from: loss of data, or delays in operations for technical reasons, or viruses that disrupt access to the service or incompatibility between the service and other services, software and devices, or for the delay or inability to initiate or complete the user's communication, or misuse.
  • The user is prohibited to use the platform or the information available on it in any way that could damage, disrupt, or adversely affect the performance of any server or network, or any service interconnected with the services available in the Jusour, or the computer devices and systems or communication equipment. It is also banned to send any unauthorized content, or publishing or reproducing it, or that infringes or violates the intellectual property rights of others. It also prohibited to access or possess any information related to Jusour through external tools or programs.
  • Jusour reserves the right to monitor any content uploaded by the user and it may, without prior notice, remove it or delete it in the event that the terms of use are violated or if there is an explicit violation of any clauses stipulated in the internal laws and regulations of Jusour which have been previously approved by the competent department.
  • Jusour reserves the right at any time, to amend, cancel or suspend, without prior notice, any part of the services and the user agrees that Jusour shall not be responsible towards him in any way due to any of the foregoing.
  • Jusour may transfer or delete, according to its sole discretion, any content or information deemed to be objectionable by it for any reason, which is in violation of any of the current conditions of service or any applicable law or instructions relating to it or placed by previous violating users without informing Jusour in advance of their identities.
  • The user is prohibited from copying, reproducing, publishing or selling all or some of the services for commercial purposes without a written permission from Jusour. It is also banned to use the services in a way that violates any applicable laws or breaches any internet-related protocols.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • Only Jusour owns all rights in relation to all content available on the Platform, and it is solely responsible for the disposal of it.
  • The user is prohibited from using this content or displaying it for other purposes or for any reason other than that is completely in conformity with the terms of service or without written permission or official authorization to do so. The user shall be legally responsible for any violation or breach of any of these rights.
  • In the event of any violation or breach by third parties of these rights or the intellectual property rights of the user related to the content sent from him to the platform or a breach of the intellectual property rights of others, please inform us by e-mail at

Termination or Suspension of Service

  • Jusour may be forced to temporarily suspend the service for operational reasons such as systems maintenance, update , upgrade , or incidents without prior notification or specifying the period of suspension of the service.
  • Any breach by the user of any of the conditions of the current terms of service will lead to revoke of his access or to the immediate termination of all transactions related to him without prior notice.

Divisibility of Terms

  • Cancellation of one or more of these terms - due to its unlawfulness or inapplicability - does not affect the effectiveness of the rest of the other terms.

Applicable law and competent courts

  • The courts of the State of Qatar shall have jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise between the two parties regarding the implementation of these terms or the interpretation of any clause, and Qatari laws shall be enforceable.