
Part time Student Work and Visa Extension for University Graduates

At Jusour, we recognize the importance of providing part-time work opportunities for students and other non-economically active segments of the population. That is why we are introducing the Sahem program.
Program users will be eligible to work for only one employer as per the conditions detailed.


Students Part-Time

Candidates for this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently studying at a Qatar-based university or higher education institution
  • Legal residents in Qatar

(Exchange students from universities outside of Qatar are not eligible for the program.)


Candidates must provide the following documents for the application:

  • Student’s Qatar ID
  • Letter of Recommendation and Enrollment from university, specifying the student's GPA


The following conditions regarding part-time working practices must be adhered to:

  • Working hours must be aligned with the defined parameters (up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 48 hours per week during academic vacation).
  • The part-time training contract or part-time work contract is only valid while the candidate is an active student and will expire upon graduation.
  • The company is responsible for ensuring that the part-time trainees hired are students throughout the contract’s duration and taking the required actions once their status has changed (new contract, sponsorship transfer, etc.).


Students Visa Extension:

Candidates for this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Recently graduated student from a Qatar-based university or higher education institution
  • Legal residents in Qatar holding either university /higher education. 
  • Institution sponsorship or dependent sponsorship
  • Aged 18 years old or older.

Candidates must also provide the following documents:

  • Higher education diploma / Undergraduate degree from a Qatar-based university
  • QID under current sponsorship
  • Passport copy
  • ID photos
  • NOC from current sponsor


The following conditions regarding visa extensions must be adhered to:

  • Visa extensions grant successful candidates a 2-year visa extension enabling them to stay in Qatar while they look for employment.
  • Visa extensions will be sponsored by the university which the candidate graduated from.
  • Candidates can apply for a visa extension up to 3 months post-graduation.

Program Fees

The program's services are free of charge for all applicants and company owners.


Requirements :

New employers for this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Employer seeking a Qatar-Based workforce.
  • Companies are looking to hire promptly and eliminate the hassle of expatriate recruitment.
  • Willing to hire talent with local exposure and experience.


The following conditions regarding employers seeking resources must be adhered to:

  • Company without legal/financial problems.
  • Provide the required documents and any additional documents upon request.

Required Documents:

  • Company Establishment card
  • Company Commercial Registration
  • Company commercial license
  • Company Tax Form.